Tuesday, June 28, 2011

handsome pup

I forgot to give a shout out to little lover man Linux, my brother's pooch who is visiting from out of town!

He's the most lovable pit bull ever! My brother bathed him with some delicious shampoo and he smells like a ginger snap cookie.

sweet summer pea

If you know me, you know I love my dog! She's my BFF4E (best fur friend forever). Seriously, she never harasses me, gives me any lip and always gives kisses when I'm bummin'. The friends I keep in real life don't do the first two things either (nor have I gotten any kisses) but you get what I mean! After a crap day at school or whatever my little lover puppy is always down for cheering me up.

Her favorite toy!

No shame in admitting that I spend more time with my dog than most people. It's my nature and I wouldn't have it any other way.


The outcome! Now the only thing left to do is figure out how to finish of the ends with some hardware. I'd say this was a successful adventure into craftland. I stole the image off of Crystal's f-book. Go me! :)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

get busy!

Me and my brother's girlfriend Crystal gave making these nifty necklaces a try. I will post our results tomorrow! Gotta love Honestly...WTF's do-it-yourselfs and being one fashionable summer late at making them from the articles initial publish. No big thing!

photo (credit)

Friday, June 24, 2011

American girl

I took this yesterday for my long distance love! I miss him and I finally snapped a decent picture without wonky eye syndrome going on. Notice various bottles of Revlon nail polish, pincushion, tarantula tank, Alabama sketch and Portugal. The Man poster in the background. Sums me up pretty well.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

what I wore --- baby prostitute edition

RAHHH! 1950s derby girls know how to kick some ass!

I love me some crop tops and hot pants! The 1970s are kickin' and ever since the loss of my winter bear belly, I can say I'm glad. Let me preface the next few sentences with: bodies of all kinds are beautiful. There. That said, one time I clicked on an episode of What Not to Wear where the poor gal was rockin' a 'flesh belt' (their words not mine) of great proportions. A flesh belt is basically an exposed muffin top. Like any awesome person, I've rattled and rolled my way into many-a-pair of too-tight shorts only to be let down by the mirror. Sausage casing legs and, yes, a flesh belt. Y'know what I say? Fuck it. No lithe figure here, I work with what I got and thank God for my beautifully functioning body.

I think my Forever 21 finds with honkin' zippers are great. Unless they make it look like you got a fupa goin' on --- but I still love you even if they do!

And not to toot my own fashion sense but I don't think a greater crop top beyond my pug life one exists. If I pair these bad boys with a fatty cork wedge I look like I'm about to work a corner, no shame in telling the truth.

God willin'

I want to slow dance to this song in a sleepy southern town.

Inspiration in a bottle

A few months back I discovered Magic Hat Brewing Company's Vinyl Lager and became intoxicated with the label art. Come to find out, a video of the label's creator Jim Pollock working on a limited edition print is featured on the website! Had I know they were selling these prints in the name of charity my hands woulda been in that honey pot in seconds flat. Six months ago Magic Hat also released a promo video for the beer with a spunky, sweet 1970s vibe --- I dig it. I live by the mantra the cuter the label the more I like the beer.

Jim Pollock silk screening

photo credit from a shady google images search

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

feel good flashback

The first few notes are so reminiscent of the 1990s I can't handle it (I can, but you get what I mean).

Alabama approved!

I unearthed my sewing machine and spent two hours making a dog bed (or giant pillow) for Sweet Home tonight. I'm happy to say she was all over it two minutes after stuffing. Hooray project success!

Idle hands

My heart grew two sizes when I saw my Sublime Stitching order in the mail. After one torturous week of waiting the goods are at my disposal. Peep what I got!

Metallic palette (threads by Kreinik)

Pastel palette (threads by Kreinik)

Glow-in-the-dark thread
And lastly...

Some bitchin' scissors and heavy metal lettering to boot!

Purchase it all here.

I'm thinking a baby bib emblazoned with the words SO METAL or PARTY ON will suit my future children just fine ;-) Cheesy winks all around!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Groovin' well past bedtime

  • The dude singing "I need a dollar" in the background reminds me of The Black Keys. That said, commercials feature some good jams (see viral Apple campaigns and The Temper Trap's Sweet Disposition for Diet Coke). I'm torn between watching an episode of Sons of Anarchy and going to bed. Decisions, decisions...

On another hip-hoppy rough n' ready bluesy Black Keys vibe --- Blackroc, the Key's side project, released this song a couple years ago and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't feelin' it.

P.s. art imitates life, I'm broke as a joke.

I need to express my excitement over this

The newly released Bon Iver album is so good --- but the only tracks I can find via youtube are lame as fuck covers. I need to get more interweb music streaming skillz!$#@$ Goshhh, it would be so nice for you to experience the song Towers or Michicant. Here is his song Roslyn (collaboration with St. Vincent) for the movie New Moon to hold you over!

about to take my japanese final!

Wish me luck!

photo (credit)

Monday, June 20, 2011

My little ray of sunshine is an ass.

Little bum swallowed a chicken bone! I couldn't believe it until my heart dropped into my rectum. Alabama isn't much of a beggar and rarely sneaks into the garbage but the little snitch pulled one over on me last night. Well, she more or less pulled one over on my mom who witnessed Alabama chomping away on a fatty and delicious treat. I bolt into the kitchen after hearing the unmistakable (and sometimes guttural) roar only a mother is capable of when her child does something severely wrong. The damage was done, a greasy thigh ingested by little Sweet Home. I start freaking. The one thing I remember from my brief veterinary exposure is chicken bones = bad = hollow = splinters in the belly. After one snapped x-ray and a spenny checkout at the emergency vet the doctor determined that she'd be okay because the bone appeared small enough to pass. Phew, close call. I get a little spazzy when it comes to my little girl. Crazy dog lady here, I have a Clumber Spaniel t-shirt to prove it. For the lazy, this is a Clumber Spaniel a.k.a. the chillest dog known to man.

photo (credit)

Raw With Love

I spent the better part of my afternoon in a crummy mood and upon wiki-ing Charles Bukowski I discovered a little piece of his poem Raw With Love. Quite wonderful when you're feelin' a little pissy towards the one you love. Kisses, records, books, coffee, arms, legs --- sigh --- I really miss my boyfriend.

I will remember the kisses
our lips raw with love
and how you gave me
everything you had
and how I
offered you what was left of
and I will remember your small room
the feel of you
the light in the window
your records
your books
our morning coffee
our noons our nights
our bodies spilled together
the tiny flowing currents
immediate and forever
your leg my leg
your arm my arm
your smile and the warmth
of you
who made me laugh