Wednesday, July 6, 2011

dancin' in the moonlight

I was blogger bitch slapped last night! Upon editing my last post ("frazzled") and experiencing a chrome freeze, none of my hard work was saved! Malfunctions are extremely frustrating. A couple hundred words, POOF! Kaput. No where to be found. Sigh, I digress.

I dyed the tips of my luscious locks royal blue and wore a pretty kickin' 1980s ensemble for the fourth, complete with my high wasted jean shorts, big earring, big hair and a rompter-cum-ruffled-tube top. On a side note, I didn't want to embarrass myself using the something-cum-something preposition wrong, thanks And now that I'm re-reading this, my aside sounds wildly inappropriate. Ha!

Anyway, here are the locks!

...and the outfit!

I'm pretty sure you can tell how proud I am of myself! That's about it for tonight, until I embark on re-writing my lost nail polish review from yesterday!


  1. Omg I love the blue in your hair! Looks great!

  2. first comment yayayay! thanks so much!
