Sunday, July 31, 2011

sleep forever

After a visit to Pugly Pixel it's fair to say I suck at layout type stuff! Big giant photobucket-fail yesterday. It took three tries to fit Alabama's mug into the confines of my blog. All is well though, she's snuggling up next to me right now and I'm pretty content with being a Plain-Jane for the time being. Besides, looks aren't everything --- it's the content that counts!

Anyway, I was at a loss eating up every Sublime Stitching pattern I found appealing until I discovered Urban Threads. They feature some seriously cool patterns I plan on purchasing once I'm a) not broke as a joke and b) without an impending trip to California on the horizon. The thing is though, I feel like given my slight artistic talent I can manage some of those line drawings on my own and save the dollar. We shall see, it depends on how motivated I am.

Breaching White Shark, so elegant!

In bigger, better news. Discovery Channel's Shark Week kicks of tonight, WAHOO! I'm DVR-ing the opener on Great Whites. For a time during my freshman year of college I thought I might travel to a coastal town and do my graduate work in marine sciences but oh how things change! I know I'm not the only person having a blog-gasm over Shark-Week-hoo-haha.

Lastly, if you like dreamy rock songs like me, check out Portugal. The Man's Sleep Forever off their new album In the Mountain in the Cloud. Perfect for kicking back watching a summertime sunset.

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